Pharmacist refused inhaler to woman having asthma attack... because she was $1.50 short Read more:

Pharmacist refused inhaler to woman having asthma attack... because she was $1.50 short

Last updated at 11:24 AM on 17th October 2010
A pharmacist refused to give an asthma inhaler to a New Jersey woman who was suffering a major attack in the store, because she only had a $20 note - and the inhaler was $21.50. 
Katherine O'Connor had left her inhaler at home and was near the local CVS pharmacy with her boyfriend when she began to suffer a major attack. 
Boyfriend Jack Brown said they rushed into the store and tried to find the pharmacist while Miss O'Connor was still having the attack. 
Katherine O'Connor
Jack Brown
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But the pharmacist refused to hand over the inhaler, which would have easily put an end to Miss O'Connor's suffering, because the couple was short one dollar and change. 
Mr Brown said: 'I had exactly a $20 bill. It came to $21 and some change. I offered him [the pharmacist] my cell phone, my wallet. I said I live right around the corner. I come in here all the time. 
'I said "Can you just give her the pump. She's on the floor wheezing'. I didn't know if an ambulance would get here on time. He said there was nothing he could do for me.' 
$1.50 short: Jack Brown said he was astounded that the CVS pharmacist allowed his girlfriend's asthma attack to continue over $1.50
No COmment: The CVS staff would not comment on the incident, but head office issued a statement that it takes customer safety seriously
Miss O'Connor added: 'He said "Well, there's nothing I can do" and I was just blown away.' 
She said she had little medical insureance to speak of, and having to call 911 would have cost her about $1,500 for an ambulance. 
The couple eventually left the pharmacy without the inhaler - even though Miss O'Connor was still having an asthma attack.
Mr Brown remembered that he had a friend who is a paramedic, who came just in time to give Miss O'Connor an inhaler. 
The manager of the CVS pharmacy declined to comment on the matter but a statement was later issued by the company's corporate offices that said: 'The well-being of our customers is our highest priority and we are looking into this matter.'

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